What is responsive web design?

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From the user experience, responsive web design is seamless; that is, the experience of a website remains the same for any user. Whether you’re accessing the site from a mobile device like a phone or a tablet, if you’re using a laptop, or if you’re browsing at home on your desktop, the best website developers can make contemporary websites with the same great look on any platform, for every device. A mobile-ready website puts you in touch with the majority of today’s internet users, as over half of all internet users are accessing their experience through a mobile version of a website.

Before we explain the details of responsive web design, it helps to know that it fits into an ongoing process of refinement with significant advantages over other methods commonly used in the market. The best website developers keep up to date with all of the latest progress in the field, and responsive website design is a big part of today’s innovative internet landscape.

How are responsive website designs developed?

How are responsive website designs developed?

Today’s professional website design needs to look and feel great on all devices. Learn more >

As mobile devices were introduced into the market, there was an immediate need to make websites compatible with the new devices. Adaptive website design is one information management approach, and this method has also been employed to make mobile-friendly websites. However, the initial development costs and cumbersome maintenance issues associated with adaptive website design have only increased interest in the benefits offered by responsive website design.

Responsive website design develops a different information management system to streamline the setup, takes advantage of the increased compute power of contemporary mobile devices, and delivers seamless content to every viewer of your online information. Using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, the best website developers use responsive websites to ensure a positive experience for everyone who’s looking at your information, with less cost and headache for those maintaining it. Fluid design grids and flexible images are methods used to respond to the differing formats and dimensions of any given device with instantaneous adjustments, and media queries use a technique designed to verify the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) format a user is employing for their internet experience. The best professional website design company will leverage these responsive website design techniques to enhance the SEO on the contemporary websites they produce, resulting in mobile-ready websites that get the message across every time, and target the customers who are looking specifically for the products and services being marketed.